Vedic Meditation is a simple, effortless, eyes closed technique that uses a specific word or sound called a mantra, to naturally settle the mind and body into a state of deep rest, one that is 2-5 times deeper than that of sleep.

This profound state of rest allows deep-rooted stresses to dissolve naturally, while helping to create a restorative physiology bringing innumerable benefits to the individual. Practiced 20 minutes twice a day, it is through revisiting this state of restful alertness, that meditators report feeling happier, less stressed, have improved personal relationships, become more creative, productive, and more adaptable to lifeʼs demands.

Taught over a course of 4 consecutive days (about 60-90 minutes each day) you will be given the means to carry this technique with you everywhere you go without the need of an app, recordings or a drop-in studio.

The key to practicing Vedic Meditation is learning how to embrace, celebrate, and surrender to the body's natural processes during meditation. It is the attitude towards the practice that is paramount in bringing forth the desired results.

The power of Vedic Meditation lies in its simplicity. Unlike other forms of meditation, which require focus, concentration, chanting or yogi-like flexibility, Vedic Meditation is simple, easy and effective. Specifically crafted for busy people with busy lives, this method can be learned by anyone and is practiced self-sufficiently for a lifetime!

Vedic Meditation may be for you if you are looking to:

  • Receive ongoing support

  • Learn how to meditate from scratch

  • Receive live instruction from an expert

  • Become a self-sufficient meditator

  • Join a community of other meditators

  • Pay only once for a lifetime of classes

  • Receive 1-on-1 personalized instruction



VEDIC MEDITATION IS NOt for you if you are looking for:

  • Guided meditation

  • Mindfulness or visualization

  • A meditation app

  • A drop-in one-off class

  • Digitalized instruction

  • A silent meditation retreat

  • A monastic practice (how monks meditate)

More on Vedic Meditation


Where did it come from?

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One of the oldest, most effortless and natural forms, Vedic Meditation comes from a 5,000 year old Indian body of wisdom called the Veda, which means knowledge. The Veda is also the source of yoga, acupuncture and ayurveda (health and wellness practices). Although originating in India this is not exclusively “Indian” knowledge nor is it a monastic practice which means it wasnʼt designed for people whose spiritual path involves detaching from society in the way monks practice. This technique was developed for modern day, multi-tasking people who are fully engaged in and lead busy lives with active minds, having jobs, relationships, homes and families to care for.

How is it practiced?

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This technique is practiced for 20 minutes twice a day. Preferably once in the morning before breakfast and again in the late afternoon, once lunch has digested. We sit comfortably, eyes closed, our back supported with arms and legs in any comfortable position. No perfect posture or poses necessary. Silently, we use a specific sound (or mantra) to settle into a state of deep rest. Through this process, we awaken the full potential of the mind, restoring balance in the body. For more on body posture and best times to meditate watch a short video here.

Rest and Relaxation

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The restfulness accompanying meditation is considerably deeper, about 2-5 times deeper, than that gained by sleeping. As the mind begins to settle down, so does the body as they are intrinsically connected. This profound state of rest allows deep-rooted stresses to dissolve naturally, bringing innumerable health benefits to the individual. This technique triggers a physiological effect in the brain and body known as the relaxation response. After meditating, our adaptation energy is restored and we feel clear, calm, and ready to engage with dynamic action to tackle lifeʼs demands. For more on adaptation energy, watch a short video here.


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The practice of Vedic Meditation allows your mind to settle down to experience a unique state of restful alertness, an inner wakefulness that lies beyond thought. This phenomenon is referred to as transcendence which simply means to “step beyond” or stepping beyond thought. It is through transcendence that we gain a direct experience of our most essential selves, of the “self” that lies beyond all our thoughts, stress, and struggles. It is through transcendence that our quieted mind experiences supreme inner contentedness or bliss. To learn more about transcendence, watch a short video here.

Who can use it?

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The technique is universal in its nature, practiced by and benefiting people all over the world, regardless of their society, profession, age, sex, orientation, religion, or belief system. As the technique triggers a physiological effect (the relaxation response) in the brain and body, it requires absolutely no faith or belief system to work. Also, you need not change your current lifestyle. We will help you integrate the practice into your life.

The Role Thoughts Play

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If you can think, you can meditate. Because this method is designed to work with the nature of the mind, it is extremely easy and simple to practice. Unlike other forms that use effort such as concentration or contemplation which can keep the mind active in thought, Vedic meditationʼs use of the mantra allows the mind to fall into more subtle planes of awareness which settles the mind allowing it to fall silent effortlessly on its own without using focus or concentration. To be more clear, silencing the mind or getting rid of all thoughts is not the goal of meditation but rather a by-product. For more information about how the mantra works to do this, watch a short video here.


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Vedic Meditation is easy to learn and even easier to practice. Our minds naturally know how to meditate already, but have simply forgotten how. The course in Vedic Meditation helps to retrain the intellect so you can allow the nature of your mind and body to move through the natural process of meditation every time. During the course, you learn how to properly meditate using a time-tested technique. Itʼs a very easy, natural process with a simple set of instructions to follow. If you can think, you can meditate. Itʼs that simple.


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Practicing Vedic Meditation is extremely rewarding and although while meditating we can experience intense calm and stillness, we do not practice the technique to be great meditators but rather to be better at what we already do...living life. The biggest benefit Vedic Meditation has to offer us is the ability to adapt to change and face lifeʼs demands with more grace and less effort. Vedic Meditation is like getting an upgrade for both your mind and your body. It allows you to become a better version of yourself...your best self! With the integration of dynamic daily activity and the restoration of the body through deep levels of rest, this allows the meditator to become less stressed, more creative, more productive, and more adaptable to lifeʼs demands. The practice of Vedic Meditation will open you up to enjoy all that life has to offer. For more on the benefits many meditators report, watch a short video here.


Vedic Meditation is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis or treatment.

Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider regarding any medical condition.